“Negative Suggestions.”
There is a quote that states: “Negative thoughts stick around because we believe them not because we want them or choose them.” –Andrew Bernstein. Negative suggestions either rising from within our mind of thoughts or coming up as dreary ideas or feelings, present themselves to our conscious awareness from time to time. At the moment of presentation, it is up to us what we will choose to do, how we will act or react to them, accepting or rejecting.
Likewise there are negative suggestions of others coming to us. Some of these suggestions we would not consider for a moment nor accept them as true for a split second. However, coming from another; well, we want to be polite.
However, I know a close friend who has had a skin problem for months. A conscientious person suggested she get a mammogram — the rash may be related to her mammary glands, the well-intentioned person said. She read something on it that the two could be related–the rash and the breasts. Stop Right Here! My close friend seeking to heal in every way tried to be courteous. Nevertheless, it upset her. She assured her well-meaning conscientious friend (person) she recently had the best breast exams and she was free and clear.
It took her days to release the person’s comments and underlying suggestion, however well intended. Yet, because of the conversation with the well-meaning person, my close friend found the strength within herself and spoke the truth to her body. She knew the skin problem was not related to the mammary glands. She continues to appreciate and fill her skin and entire body with gratitude, wellness and peace, knowing she was healing mightily, fully and quickly.
We have the freedom of choice to reject, accept or cleanse completely from any negative words, talk, suggestions or beliefs of others. We as individuals know the power of suggestion and how words of others can raise havoc if negative and demeaning in any way. It is our right and responsibility to guard ourselves from negativity either coming from within ourselves or from outer sources. We can immediately say NO to contrary suggestions, reports, opinions and authoritative notions. We are the ones to decide whether something is helpful, harmful, authentic and beneficial.
Besides, we would not eat a piece of food that has been recycled from one person to another or picked up randomly. We are selective to what we put into our bodies. The same scrutiny applies to words, ideas, suggestions, beliefs and so forth. Some of what we hear, read or see is plain crazy and coming from fear thoughts and gossip. We decide its content, worthiness and acceptability.
Without a doubt, we have a God-given right to reject anything less than wholeness, positivity, peaceful and life giving thoughts, emotions and ideas. People can say and suggest as they please. We can become aware from within or without — remembering we are the steward’s of our own household and say yes or no to what enters our awareness and holy temple of the body, mind and heart.