Oneness Part II

“We are all so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Be kind and do good for any one and that will be reflected. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the universe.” –Amit Ray

Believe your compassion and light in your soul are the most precious gifts you have and show to others. The world needs truth, oneness and unconditional love.

Another beneficial act in realizing more oneness is the honoring of each world religion. Each religion has history it is not proud of. Individual people of any faith can become extreme and carry their beliefs too far and hurt others. Respect each faith regardless. Besides, I usually feel honored to hear about and participate in the rituals, practices, and beliefs of others. There is something sacred about individual faith practices.

Christianity has had it fanaticism and its repugnant moments. Yet basically the Christian faith is beautiful. The same goes for other religions of the world. When we practice the teachings Jesus lived, we are set free of material and human bondage. We rise above appearances and see the truth present around us and in one another.

One of Jesus’ main tenets is ‘Love.’ Oneness is love; love is Oneness. When we live the highest love we know inside, we feel the interconnection Amit Ray speaks of in the opening quote of this Message. Look inside yourself and acknowledge God’s Truth. Look inside your family members and those you come in contact with and see the light of God. In this way, we are realizing Oneness.

Moreover, our path to God is both individual and collective. I believe the interest in Oneness of Spirit and living one’s life as though he or she is connected to every one and all life expressions advances humankind. As a consequence we will join together instead of fighting against one another and nation against nation and hook up to combine our resources, mind power, technology, passion and solve great problems facing humanity.

The spiritual idea of Oneness is no small thing. I capitalize it because it is a divine quality and spiritual thirst within each one of us. Some of us are more attuned to the idea than others. Yet it is catching. More people are awakening to and practicing Oneness. There is nothing mystifying about the word. The moment we care, reach out to another we are expressing compassion and saying you matter. Suppose it was me who needed help. I feel good when people care about me and offer help. It is love and oneness out-picturing.

Communion with God stirs up oneness within us, first with the Divine Spirit in us. And we awaken to the light of our being and want to give of it. Commune with your divine nature in prayer. I like the ritual of holy communion. We can create our own ritual in prayer. Visualize or imagine the last supper. How the disciples must have felt drinking from the same wine cup, partaking of the one loaf of bread. Taking in the essence and love of Jesus who had reached his Divine potential on earth. His glow and holiness was being passed on to the followers of Jesus at the last supper and in the upper room experience.

See yourself there taking in the substance and the life of the Christ nature. It is a Oneness experience reminding you of your own indwelling Christ nature and holiness. Sit in communion until you feel or catch a glimpse of your pure light within. This is union with your true nature. From here you and I each express the innate spiritual qualities with ease and gracefulness.

Eckhart Tolle on Oneness and communion–“True communication is communion–the realization of oneness, which is love.”   God bless you!

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