I ask to know the divine Spirit more fully with less words and more receptivity–

I am open to the stillness, letting a hush and willingness to listen come

From within now in the wordlessness of prayer’s meditative aspect……………

I listen …………………………

In the calm attunement of hearing the unspoken

I relax and let go.

Peace is felt, receptivity continues.

I trust divinity’s blessing of emptiness;

I recall the value of wordlessness in my life and the power of listening,

Without an agenda or pre-thought.

Richness flows from within. I give thanks for the silence of prayer

And the silent moments of enlightened power during wakeful moments

In any occasion. I give thanks for the presence of Spiritual communication:

Of the spoken, non verbal, and rising empowered messages from within.

With a rich and thankful heart, Amen

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