Reenergizing Ourselves
When our energy level drops, when something changes in our diet, supplementations, medications if taken, our routine, or some dynamic of our life changes, such as marriage, retirement, new birth or loss, we notice it. Maybe it is when we take on too much or leave or release a job. These happenings in our lives when something shifts and our energy level fades too, what can help?
Then, there are those occasions in our lives when we have accomplished something big. We may naturally feel lower energy or require more rest or sleep.
For support, we can search the internet, tell a friend, see or call on a minister, go to a health store. These all are good. In our search however we may exhaust our precious energy even more.
At some point, we turn from the outer and go within and seek divine power and insight. We seek and find that which does not change–the changeless expands at our core and manifests throughout our lives, including our physical body temple.
Valued motivation and a feeling we have on one of the first spring mornings after winter’s cold would be welcomed. To feel that lively feeling as if we could vacuum an entire house or run through the grass or up a hill.
Whatever avenue and remedy we choose, engaging our Spirit is essential in restoring what appears to have disappeared. Energy inner and outer is a quality inherent in us and in our lives. We will feel reenergized by placing our attention and intention on aligning with the infinite Source of energy and aliveness in the abundant storehouse within ourselves.
Quiet times, spiritual reading and conversations, meditations, walks, a good comedy, laughter and a movie can lift our vitality. Our inner wisdom guides us and reveals golden ideas to replenish both our spirit and energy level.
In any challenge or sense of loss however temporary or permanent–knowing we are not the only one and we are not alone in our concern is so helpful and can bolster our sense of well being. Every moment in any given day, people face challenges from tiny ones to huge problems, which serve to remind us to count our blessings. Being grateful is energizing. Giving a random act of kindness to self or another, hugging something or someone is heartwarming and stimulates our inner physical being–we feel good.
We trust God by whatever name we give the saving Power and Presence living and breathing as us. We have faith there is an unlimited amount of energy for us to tap into right where we are and indwelling in our mind, heart, spirit and life.
All things serve you now to have a rebirth of vitality, of the inner life force, and of go-power.
Physical, mental and spiritual energy and renewal are here in these words and within ourselves. We are so very grateful this is true for us and all others, Amen
I am unceasingly in the flow of robust energy and the renewing life-essence of Spirit.