A TV movie, “Mistletoe over Manhattan” portrays Mrs. Santa Claus as a kind, loving, and wise individual who does seemingly supernatural things every day. Her spirit does not limit people and what they may be capable of. She has a knack of letting things unfold while she quietly honors the greatness in a person, family, or group.

Mrs. Claus believes in the divine design of the extra-ordinary within an ordinary person. She sees the extra-ordinary in everyone she meets.

I wonder if you have ever met an ordinary person? I have not. We may look so called normal. Yet people are regularly delighting me with their unique abilities. A human is rich beyond measure. Each day we, man, woman, children, and babies set records for healing capability, inventiveness, resourcefulness, abilities to learn beyond the known. Plus new depths of human compassion are being displayed and taking place every moment.

Our potential, yours, mine, and our neighbors, is incredible and vast. Mrs. Claus might be a movie character. Nevertheless, a very imaginative human being thought her into existence.

Believe in your everyday greatness. We fully accept and live our extra-ordinary nature.  In gratitude, Amen




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