Seven, Eight and Nine of Twelve Commandments of Self-Love and Appreciation
7) ‘Support Yourself’–Think well enough of yourself to ask for and receive the support of others and from within yourself. Give support readily. And know you are worthy of support–the support of those people who are good and trusted friends. Who you can go to when extra undergirding is what is needed to take the next steps, to step out beyond where you have gone before, and to further your dreams, hopes, and desires. Sometimes and often we need people urging us on and showing their belief in our abilities and purpose.
Continue to support yourself–give yourself positive input by knowing you are worthwhile and have treasures within yourself as needed talents, specialties of character, gifts, and abilities people are waiting and needing to receive. Step out, ask for and have the support you need. In addition, go within and feel the support of God’s nature powering you forward and providing what you require. Thus, I receive help, mentoring, and assistance from visible and invisible sources.
Affirming: I have loving and supportive help from cherished people in my life. I gladly ask for encouragement and approval and willingly receive and give support to others without hesitation. I am filled with comfort, accepting energy, and motivation to express my authentic self and gift the world.
8) ‘Be Loving to your Negatives’–You are created to express your purpose for being tailor made as avenues of expression for your unique inner gifts, skills, talents, and your special way of expressing warmth, acceptance, and love. Your essence of being desires to express–however negative thoughts, words, suggestions, images, and messages can decrease your spontaneity, aliveness, and innate ability to give of your richness. When you befriend any negatives–staring right into it; seeing it as a non-threatening powerless energy. It is weakened, a weakling compared to who you are.
Negatives are like dirt that accumulate in and on our cars, cell phones, homes, on and in ourselves and elsewhere. Clean and clear negatives away with love and joy. Any negation is a non-offensive, is a no thing that wants to get away from you and return to compatible company, the undifferentiated neutral substance of the unseen.
Affirming: Without excess energy or steam, I release and become free of negative, offensive litter in my consciousness, self-talk and language. I realize negatives are powerless compared to the radiant light of who I am. Negatives are non-threatening nothingness returning to impersonal creative substance, harmless and formless–as I let go and release that which negates. I do not resist, I release inharmonious negation and remain undaunted and unthreatened by anything appearing unfavorable, realizing the divine power within me is really the only power that is.
9) ‘Take Care of your Body’–“In mind, body, and spirit, I take great care of myself.” –DW.
To the mind, body, and spirit, we add emotions in love and appreciation for our body temple. Have you seen a person neglect care for their body–it is very sad. We rejoice in self-care of the body. If there is a physical or emotional need, now is the time to ask for clear divine guidance and move in the direction of getting care for the need. We can be choosy in our choice of therapists and doctors. There should be a trust and harmonious rapport with whomever we choose.
*Affirming: I take well-rounded care of my body temple eating clean meats (unless a vegetarian) and plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, and berries in addition to taking in adequate amounts of filtered water. I get the rest, sleep, and exercise necessary to maintain great health and strength. *I realize diet is a very personal thing. The best we can do is make the highest choices of the food we take in–according to our circumstances at any given time.
Notation of credit: The Series is based on the twelve tenets of loving oneself by Louise Hay.