Spiritual Perseverance
“We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulty.” –Oswald Chambers
Truth Message: Spiritual Perseverance–sometimes we can find ourselves entertaining worrisome thoughts over a person, event, group, or thing. No matter the object of our mind of concern, the answer is the same–to bring ourselves into peace and rise above the attachment to concern and move beyond in unification with our divine nature.
We may know the truth as stated above and continue in worry. Sometimes it is a test on our patience to keep on, lifting the mind from the problem, concern, or person. We are to keep on keeping on, persevere in changing our thoughts from worry to knowing the Divine truth in the matter and person.
A proven approach is to persist with rising in consciousness. Sometimes we need to voice the word–No More! I am changing the direction of my thinking and placing attention on God and the nature of absolute Good. It is helpful to begin affirming wholesome words and phrases, entering a time of prayer. Relax from concern; Releasing troubled notions and ideas.
Speak the grandest truth we know: Centered on the Kingdom of Heaven within of light, peace, love, grace, and surrender. Admitting powerlessness and replace with faith in the one presence and power, Divine Spirit everywhere and within us, the person and concerned area. We step up easy to the power of wisdom inherent, that knows the way into lightness of heart and freedom of being.
Here we focus on God and the qualities of Spirit within ourselves. In doing this–in seeking the Kingdom first–all challenges will diminish and the truth of God for the person or thing will be known in us.
We have heightened awareness from which healing and restorative energy flows. We are in the realm of clear insight one with the verities of life. Anyone who tunes into our wave length benefits and has the opportunity to become one with the light of well-being.
Hence the divine solution in holding discordant thoughts is the willingness to exchange our human power for divine awakened understanding.
I affirm from the heart center and rise on God’s love and still from anything less than holy thoughts and the attributes of Divinity. I restore in an atmosphere of grace. I am liberated from adverse conditions and ideas. And I experience the full measure of a recharged and revitalized spirit. Amen — so thankful for the awareness of the presence and power of universal Spirit.