“Summertime Mood”
The end of another school year and the beginning of summer vacations for students, teachers and many. Children may become bored at home. Parents and grandparents could tire of the children off from school. Teachers are due for a well deserved vacation. It is best to stir up patience and creativity inside.
Summertime can offer a lighter load on the household and people in general. We are in the vacation mood. Let’s go swimming; ‘let’s take off for the beach, the lake or pool’ are the shouts from the kids. Great time to do just that.
Also with summer, it’s easier to open the door of our homes and walk, run, jog, exercise and have fun outdoors. I have a friend who walks and meditates each morning at a local Arboretum in a Kansas City suburb. She sends the most uplifting photos of statues, flowering plants and ornamental shrubs on her stroll around the many gardens and paths.
It is the moment; now is the appropriate time, get up and out with the intent of having fun and letting go of the mundane, the work list and daily agendas. Leave the schedule behind and let the outdoors transform our bodies, minds and state of being. Happy, playful summer days are here!
We Declare—I let go of lists and loads. Get up and rise, foot loose and happy to take advantage of a break from commitments, work assignments and to do items. “I am free; I am unlimited right now,”Amen.