The Calm within the Chaos
“We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” –Pema Chodron
Truth Message: When we feel life’s disappointments, grief, and those stormy times in our lives, it can feel so disheartening. Nevertheless, when dreams take on a shape not immediately recognizable, when people feel the earth underneath them shake, we as individuals are challenged and shaken. During these experiences what helps us? That’s what I usually ask the God-nature within at those times. On these occasions, most likely and as a saving grace we are more receptive to the wisdom of our Spirit.
Furthermore, there is an equanimity inside us that serves us well in those upside-down times in our lives. Companion with this, there is a spiritual law call it grace, call it the law of compensation, which is restorative and brings gifts forth from within us and into our lives. Another compensatory aspect of stormy times–we can feel open and empathetic of the pain of others; we can be more empathetic. In addition, there is a healing energy generated inside us. We are a greater force for healing.
In the periods of human history without modern medicine, individual healing ability seemed more prevalent than now. Animals have an innate and instinctive attunement to knowing what to do and how to restore themselves. We do too. Particularly when it a necessity we have a wisdom, showing us the way to healing and renewal.
A Prayerfully Decree–I am undisturbed by outer conditions, reports, and appearances. Likewise, I am responsive to the healing taking place in me. I am rich with the nature of God within. And, I am easily open and receptive now to the support, good, happy surprises, and effortless solutions unfolding in my life this very moment. I am completely attuned and gratefully receptive to the good already present and showering my life. I also know of the restorative power of giving and circulating joy and tangible things. Blessings upon blessings rush into my life; in grace and gratitude I respond to opportunities of giving forward to life. And it is so, Amen