The Impossible Becoming Possible
Daily Declaration: Think of something good you would like to happen however impossible it seems. Then believe what Jesus said as depicted by the writer of Matthew in Chapter 19, verse 26, (KJV) “But with God all things are possible.” Accept the good manifesting, seen or intangible, in you or in your life.
Truth Message–first posted February 25, 2014, Truth Messages Category.
I would sit at a round table in the Sunday School building of the Millington Baptist Church and be enthralled when the Youth Education teacher would read stories about the beautiful light-filled person, Jesus Christ. Love filled me because of how warmly Jesus treated his disciples—even when they were misbehaving.
Unquestionably, the inquiries of my mind as a child were abundant: “Hum, there weren’t enough love people like Jesus in the world.” Mother Mary seemed normal. Where were the kind people? And, why were not more impossible things becoming possible in the world per Jesus’ words of instruction?
No doubt, I came to learn as I increased in knowledge that things thought impossible were indeed becoming possible, even manifesting. But, the number seemed small.
Then, sitting in the pew of the Episcopal Church, Father Douglass woke me from the preoccupation with my thoughts during his Sunday morning message. Like lightening striking, Father Douglass spoke: “…with God all things are possible.”
Moreover, at eighteen, those words lit a yearning in me. My mind raced. I thought, “How can I align my life to the belief of impossibilities becoming possible?” I wanted the reality of the electrified statement to manifest through and around me. Idealistic, perhaps?
However, Father Douglass said it—I respected him. Also, I believed those truths in the Gospels were reporting our capabilities as Divine human beings. Likewise, aaccording to my interpretation at eighteen, we were suppose to express these truths. I wanted to; but how? Father Douglass did not say.
Still, Father Douglass did help awaken me to the great potential within a human being:
We have thought and believed too small. Jesus’ stories and words according to the authors of the Four Gospels impressed me; They seeped into my heart. I grew in understanding of the possibilities of words of Truth. (Capitalized, because Truth words contain Divine power.)
How? I struck out on my own self-discovery path to find ‘how to’ live a life as if “but with God all things are possible”—Matthew 19:26 (KJV). However that path brought me back or more accurately forward to community, study, reflection, and expressing the insights I gained.
Now, as an adult my visual of God as a person has changed to God as a loving, all-intelligent, all-powerful, everywhere present Divine essence and expression in and of me and in and of you and the Omnipresence in the world. Thank God as an eighteen year old I listened to the inner questioning and belief in the spiritual potentiality of human beings.
Yes, the Gospel writers, sacred texts, and other spiritual writings point to it–we are more than mere mortals; we are spiritual, destined to realize our divinity. Again, I did not come to believe these words absent from contemplation, learning, prayer, life experiences, community, and giving of the Divine light within myself.
Hence, I have grown into ministry and continue to expand.
Certainly, follow the spiritual yearnings and callings of the Divine inclinations in your heart. Give attention to your questioning spirit.
I am here to support you in the ongoing spiritual awakening of your heart, mind, soul and life. One of my book recommendations is authored by Henri J. M. Nouwen, Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World. The second book recommended is: Complete Works of H. Emilie Cady, authored by H. Emilie Cady.
Remember you are beloved and thought well of. God bless you, Rev. Frieda