I rest my entire self in prayer now,

bringing new oxygen to my body,

I breathe three nice and deeper breaths.

I merge with Light as my soul is ready

For new lumination to break through of Spirit

Penetrating yet soothing Light,

Giving the body temple vigor,

Intelligence, even enlightenment.


I allow Divine Light to be absorbed

By every particle and place

Of the mind, heart, emotions, soul and spirit.

Light, a precious expression of the Whole Spirit

Of God glowing as one expression of heaven

Made known in my manifest and dazzling

Physical structure, soulful mind, serene emotions

And awakened spirit.


I am light itself,

Drinking of the essence and illumination

Of the drenching Divine Light of all-loving

Universal Presence made personal in you and me,

With gracious thanks, Amen.

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