“Tuning into Our Needs”
It’s a good day as is everyday to check inside ourselves and listen to what is being asked for by our inner intuitive guidance/messenger. Do we need to ask for and seek help, support or something else?
To illustrate: a colleague had been procrastinating in providing me with a phone number of a service person in my area. I was guided to ask her how I can support her in her busy scheduled day. As the conversation continued between us it was clear how I can conveniently introduce myself to the service person at an up and coming community meeting. The problem was solved and the best is taking place now for both the colleague and me. Indeed, I needed to be open to my own needs and be considerate of the colleague at the same time for the highest to unfold.
A couple of our important purposes on planet earth are to assist and unconditionally love one another. It begins at home within ourselves. Further, it feels empowering when we reach out to others and let them know what we need. In doing this we have checked within and brought to light our needs and feelings.
Imagine a world where you and I have open doors and venues to express our individual talents and skills as we speak and act authentically. Also think of the harmonious environment where every person feels welcome to give of his or her specialness. And we are accepted and appreciated because we exist.
Likewise, internally being clear with what is going on inside ourselves helps us open to express more fully. Besides we are available to assist others on their path because we are whole and free within.
No doubt, a companion to checking in on our needs are feelings. Knowing what we are feeling may certainly help us understand and meet our needs in life. Some days we require additional reflection time, spiritual reading and times in the stillness of meditation. Or, we may be feeling depleted, empty of fresh ideas, motivation, creativity and companionship. In reaching inward to find what will help us reach out, we live today feeling supported and ready to do what our heart is confirming and our mind is pointing to.