“Uplifting Treatment”
I am more than flesh and blood, more than a changeable feeling nature. I am thriving potentiality, robust compassion and wise with Divine Wisdom. If something or someone lowers my state of being and mood, I take note. Then there is a realization I go with. “No one, no outer determent can alter the fine resilience of being at hand and as who I am.
I honor and resist not the deterrent, whether a person, a circumstance or object. Instead, I focus on the steadiness of strength and purpose inherent. Also I call things what they are. The power lies within me and cannot be taken from me.
Seemingly temporarily perhaps, then in a flash of insight I realign with the mighty potential indwelling and give silent thanks: I am composed, peace-filled and steadied with the words , “Peace be still.” I let go to the thriving potent power inside. I am restored. No one or no thing can touch or take away this inner power. It is God given, And so it is.