Nature is beautiful. So is water and rain. However when weather conditions get worrisome, troubled or swollen by inclement conditions or human disregard–we may become upset and rightfully uncomfortable. So, what is the best we can do in severe or stormy weather conditions? Or as we sometimes refer to it, bad weather? An unknown author gives a calming suggestion in quote form: “Even in the midst of life’s many storms we have the capacity to stand in the center of our own peace.”

The author of the quote seems to use stormy as a metaphor for general life conditions or natural environmental disturbances. Whether it is the outdoor weather, a physical or personal challenge or storms in one’s life experiences, when we find the peace inside ourselves outer conditions no matter to what degree, begin to lessen and dissipate on the inside of us. Then these individual or climate related situations are not overpowering. We are more composed and able to respond effectively.

Consequently, the simple act of stilling oneself inside and moving into peace begin to change us and our environment whatever that may pertain to. Thus, peace begets calm and clear thoughts and feelings which produce ideas of wisdom and divine guidance (right thinking and doing), leading to diminishing problems and sunny, cleared life occurrences and peace-filled inner and outdoor climates and circumstances.

What’s more, a peace divine is ever in the center of us. As we remember peace and bring it forth into our mind and heart and move peacefully, life around us responds and is blessed with vibrations of harmony and balance.

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