“What are We Waiting For?”
The month of February (or any month) offers each of us the opportunity for kindness and love. Is there an area in our lives needing our affection and attention? Perhaps there are places in our personal life of self-care we have been neglecting. I was putting off an eye exam. With the onset of February and the renewed commitment to self-care, I have just made the appointment for an eye exam. Yea!
It is time to turn the love light upon ourselves or another needed place in our lives starving for our care.
Allow ourselves to feel the fervor and the opportunities of light-heartedness in February with Groundhog Day, Super Bowl, Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day, Black History Month and Presidents’ Day. In addition there is Mardi Gras and the Academy Awards. We even have a wear red day on February 5, honoring Women’s health. Why not include men’s health also.
We want to shine our loving energy on an area in our lives screaming for our help, support, and time—a relationship, or that something we have been ignoring. Perhaps expressing a part of us we have had too little of; such as playfulness, inner-child creativity, restful breaks and those things in our lives needing our promotion.
In prayer—I call on the highest love within and bask in its absorbing, soothing power. I let the deepest love inside me circulate throughout my life—extending all around. I am brave and wise, balanced in the power of love-kindness. Therefore I am progressing in a consciousness of love and intelligence, rising up and motivated to move on those things I need to take care of and give my loving action to. I am grateful for the presence of energized love and regeneration sweeping over and through my life, Amen.