What’s Cooking”
“Cooking — love made visible.” People, Psychologists say we permanently remember our early experience of Mom’s kitchen. We particularly recall the different food aromas.
Our mother cooked lots of German dishes. To this day I love to search out restaurants serving authentic German cuisine. I enjoy the flavor and aroma. Food is substance and provides nutrition to our physical structure and our all-important brain. Yet there is more to food than sustenance and nourishment.
The Bible says “I have meat to eat you know not of.” About seven years ago I went on a weekend retreat at a home especially for people wanting a get-away to linger on spiritual things and food for the soul. There were some common noises in the home with only two people in a two story house.
However, the one noise standing out in addition to Spirit whispering Truth messages and joyous words to me. I heard the kitchen noises of the house attendant preparing the evening meal. The sounds sent vibrations of nurturance, care and comfort throughout my body and mind. I had not eaten anything yet.
Nevertheless I felt care and love in the kitchen noises from food preparation. The comfort was beyond anticipation of dinner being served. I felt pampered and warm goodness flowed through me from head to toe.
We may not realize in our day to day cooking how food serves many purposes. One of them is bringing people together as in a gathering for mealtime or at a social gathering. The invisible and intangible side of food can feed the soul and bring forward in us a feeling of well-being.
I believe Jesus and his followers knew this. As they loved to gather and usually had food at these gatherings. Food usually accompanies human connections, warmth and brings satisfaction not only to our bodies, to our emotional and mental being as well.
My dad used to say, when nations have enough food to feed their people, they usually will not go to war. I know this thought could be disputed. Nevertheless food can serve to bring peace to unrest when we feed our enemies as well as our friends.
Then, when we realize over dinner we each have the same needs, wants and desires: To care for our families, neighbors and have left overs to give.
What stands out about food and nourishment in our culinary requirements is the intangible and necessary provision for our inner well being and peace. We feel satisfied not only eliminating the hungry feeling, satisfied by the sensation of feeling nurtured and provided for. When we add people and socializing with food we double our sense of inner and outer satisfaction.
Furthermore, we give thanks to all who love the culinary arts, to our food chefs and cooks and people who prepare meals. We send appreciative thoughts to gardeners and farms who grow healthy vegetables, produce and grains. We are grateful for the organic growers and farmers who care about how they treat their livestock, gardens, water, soil and land.
Wise gardeners and farmers discern well by choosing support measures in their overseeing of animals, fruits and vegetables, making certain all that go into growing produce and food plus maintaining healthy animals, foul and fish are harmonious to human and animal health and well-being.