Sometimes we cannot see the distinction between the frayed edges of Life from her opportunities. Joel Goldsmith was writing a note to his son at college, providing his son with spiritual fortitude. He stated to commit his work, assignments, obligations and actions to God.

With humility give what is before you to accomplish to the Supreme Power within and everywhere present. We are small without our union with the Divine Spirit. We can do mighty things unified with Infinite Presence.

Disappointments come into our lives to ‘let go and let God’ stream through us and what we do. We open to the appointment within the discouraging happening. Then pause to feel our oneness with the Infinite Presence, following the guiding light we receive. 

We trust life, trust ourselves and our doing and being to God. We follow our highest lead, step out and pause to feel the assurance of spirit flowing through all we do.

We have an inner certainty of an endless divine storehouse of opportunities wherever we are. We proclaim we know these new chances and favorable open doors when they clearly drop into our lives. In gratitude, Amen.

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