Each one of us has a reserve of spiritual wealth in us. The divine potency within is also referred to as the ‘Kingdom of God Within you.’ It is the stream of spiritual insight, power and regeneration moving, coming into conscious awareness when we call on it and let go and surrender our ego.

Our spiritual reserve flows forth and expresses through and out from us by grace and simply because we are divine creations and heir to the fullness of our divine being at any time. It is ever present now fully ready to shower, renew and be known as us.

Our spiritual reserve consists of the innate ability to set ourselves free from burdens, negativity and limitations of any kind and at any time. The treasure of the Kingdom of God as we recall is in our midst. It is present and awake in us.

The Kingdom of God within is our ability to forgive and let go to let the divine will of Good unfold in and through us and our lives. It is the ability and decision to start over, begin again in the moment.

To become new and release with the past is a now decision. I open from within and let divine light flood my entire being and life. I begin anew in the eternal now. I am fresh and have a clean, wiped slate. I am refreshed and renewed.

Also affirming blessings for people who trouble us. Think and feel divine good and wonderful things unfolding in their lives. Believe everyone deserves prosperity, happiness and fullness of life.

Repent for our own mistakes and missteps. It’s OK to accept the current of constant forgiveness and love available in the center of us. As we believe it is here and are receptive to let it be, let it do it’s uplifting and healing work in us and in our lives — it does it without delay. 

We have the quality of living from divine ideas that bless, uplift and raise up ourselves and all others. Divine ideas such as wholeness, well-being, joy and peace plus happiness and comfort are known for one and all in and through me now, Amen.

What’s more, make use of the reserve power of your voice through the energizing source of the vocal cords. Affirm life, holy love, divine gracious action, and prosperity flourishing​ in you and your surroundings. Affirm and know the same godly greatness for all.

An abundance of spiritual reserve circulate around and in your life now. 

These are some of our inherited treasures at hand and as the truth of who and what we are as divine off-springs and expressions of God.

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