How do we look at others? The quintessential example is a shabby dressed hippy walks into a real-estate office wanting to buy a home with ten to twenty acres. The real estate sales person looks down at the young man. Little do they know the kid (hippy) just inherited two million dollars.

     The real estate sales person makes the mistake of prejudging the hippy–young, no money, no ambition. When the opposite is the truth. He is a college grad in high demand because of his knowledge of growing hemp–a material in popular demand in manufacturing of clothing and many other items.

     Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote “We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.” As it turned out the hippy was still grieving the recent loss of both parents.

     In their name he wanted to become a successful farmer and knew hemp is used in the manufacturing of many products these days. He wanted to become a gardener and organic farmer.

     Hopefully the real estate person let go of their prejudice attitude and helped the young budding farmer find a suitable homestead. We need to view ourselves in holy light and view others in a pure light absent of prejudices, doubts, occupations and appearances. Amen.

In affirmation: I open to align with the pure love in my heart. I fill with this love. Let it circulate through my entire being. I see through eyes of love and let go of prejudging. I see self and others through the eyes of Spirit and all is very well, Amen.

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