I give up to God, the Presence and Oneness of joy indwelling. I give up to smiling and to knowing wholeness of life and liveliness circulating within me. Choosing to feel light hearted and childlike, I am free in this moment. I am one with the Divine essence and the holy essence is being known in me now as relaxation, peace, and comfort. 

      I bring myself into a state of restorative peace through laughter or feelings of joy, or bringing to remembrance when I have felt completely loved. 

      Oneness is pure love, Oneness is absent of duality and filled with ease and grace. God is oneness and love.

      “In that love, (ease and grace) I safely dwell. Is above, beneath, within me. Love is here and all is well.”   

      I invite the stillness and silence now in meditation…..

      I am a vibrant expression of love, wisdom, life, and well-being. I am filled with deep gratitude for the Source within and everywhere present, Amen.

     Keep in your heart and mind throughout the day–I am beloved of God. Divine grace is with me and divine love hugs me.

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