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Yahoo personal finance section has good information–check it out


“A good accountant never makes mistrakes.”

First Rule about personal finances–Stay lighthearted and look on the bright side

“True joy comes when we do not give because we should, but so we can come alive.”

“When something wonderful happens in our lives and our first thought is ‘Thank you, God,’ we have tithed.” (These two quotes taken from Even Mystics Have Bills To Pay; Balancing a Spiritual Life & Earthly Living by Jim Rosemergy.)

I recommend his book. Why, because of the ease in which you learn or refresh on demonstrating spiritual prosperity. Jim’s prosperity book consists of seven chapters with a page at end of each chapter of Key Ideas, an Affirmation, and a Chapter Summary sentence. Rosemergy’s own words on back cover of book: “A new supply awaits us that is untouched by world economic conditions.”


*New Book by Bobby Monks titled: Uninvesting: How Wall Street Hijacks your Money and How to Fight Back.

*Monks book sounds good from an initial small amount of information I have gathered. I will keep you updated. I have the book on order from Amazon.

I recommend the book. However check it out for yourself. The local library can work well too.


Spiritual Economics; The Prosperity Process.  Author–Eric Butterworth, 1983.

I have read Eric’s book and taught SEE Prosperity classes using the book. The book changed me and opened my heart. It is an excellent and classic New Thought/Spiritual book. I highly recommend it as a book to study and practice its content for prosperous living.


Note from Rev Frieda:  I am not advocating anything here or trying to have you buy something. The information in the Category: Debt Free Living at is to share information with you about what has worked for my husband and I and what we may suggest you look into. You are the decision and choice maker of your life.

Debt-Free Living is Prosperous Living

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