“Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.” – Khalil Gibran

Khalil Gibran with his serious side shares how friendship however so sweet is nonetheless a responsibility between two people, oneself, or a group. Anytime we may be convinced it is not a responsibility try going without complimenting or appreciating a dear one for a day or two and see if the relationship stays happy.

Someone told me awhile ago–“You are in relationship with all people and things.” “There is nothing quite as important as relationships to our own happiness.” I add, it is of utmost importance to our health and well-being to have good relationships with all that touches us, with people, pets, all life, and things.

Marriage, friendships, unions, partnerships, acquaintances, strangers and the relationship with ourselves take daily appreciation, humor, giving undivided attention to, friendliness, courtesy, nurturance, and perseverance. Plus, we each like to be accepted for who we are and treated with respect and kindness. So do other people. Friendship takes work. Yet we hopefully know the blessings, benefits, power, commitment, great joy and pain, sadness and grief that companion friendships and relationships.

On the bright side of meaningful relationships, lets dedicate this weekend to being a friend, friendliness, and giving rich attention to our existing friendships. Let’s make an agreement with ourselves to have fun and be playful in being a socializing and sunny person. I’m sure we each have learned how playfulness prospers our associations and togetherness with others including ourselves. Laugh with people and be humorous with self.

I’m going to let someone I have not recently told how I appreciate their friendship. Then do something to bring us closer. How about you?

Decide to reach in before or while you reach out. Love makes it all happen. Love is the basis, juice, energy, fresh-ness, and liveliness of each and all relationships with anything, with people, animals, plants, our neighbors, endearing relationships, friends, close, casual, or far away.

Prayer: I open my heart to God’s bright, warm and cozy love. Fill myself full and circulate lots of joy within myself and pour it out to the world of people, pets, living-breathing things, and electronic devices. And so I let it be, Amen

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