“There’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance, it’s called humility. Confidence smiles. Arrogance smirks.” — Unknown

If or when I miss the mark, humility within will bring to mind, I’m still learning and growing. I humble myself to a finer wisdom inherent and restore in its light.

I recall great leaders under pressure and how they must find something stronger than their shortcomings and go on and upward. I remember as a child when learning to ride a bicycle how I would wobble and the bike would weave here and there until I learned to flow with what balanced the bike and kept it upright and moving forward smoothly. I learned to follow the stream of balance and let go of what did not work an hour ago.

Pine trees, oaks, maples and trees in general sway with a strong wind. The trees humble themselves surrendering to the rhythm of the current of wind.

With an open heart and a mindset of willingness, I lowly listen beyond the voices telling me to be protective, pretentious or downcast. I align with inner love and an inner strength urging me forward trusting in life to uphold me, having faith in the power within.

A shower of enthusiasm takes hold inside.  And step by step moving with humility, respect and love any discouragement melts in the presence of courage and whatever negative blocked my clear vision now dissipates. I have new light, a responsive in-look to follow divine guidance, a clean slate to fulfill the true purpose and work set before me to do.

I am spirit directed, accomplish with grace and acknowledge humility which opens the inner door of my mind to greater success and gracious acceptance of the prosperity and blessings at hand.

Humility has opened me to the reservoir within of the treasured equipoise of divine intelligence and love. I lavishly express these gifts knowing as I give more pours forth.

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