We relax into prayer with deep breathing and connection with Divine Spirit within. We begin with legs and arms uncrossed and an in breath through the nostrils, breathing out completely through the mouth. Continue with breathing and let go of any worrisome or concerning thoughts, opening to Divine inspiration.

We awake from within and whisper inside ourselves: “I rise into my true spiritual nature.” I still within and radiate well-being. (Quoted affirmation by Daily Word).  

I know I am forgiven through Divine Love; I am healed in my openness and oneness with the Divine Presence in and with me; and I am kept in peace by knowing the Spirit of God is the essence of who I am, wherever I am. I praise the flow of creative activity coming through me. 

I continue rising in ‘conscious knowing’ from within and open to the Divine connection indwelling. I feel the healing power and presence of God in everything I do.

Prayer unites me with my true nature and I discover my unity with each person in my life and everyone I come in contact with. Divinity harmonizes, uplifts and brings understanding and cooperation to each and all of my relationships with self and every individual.

I am grateful for the Divine connection of breathing, prayer and unity with all people. In heartfelt gratitude, Amen

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