When our driving energy becomes downcast we feel low. Our heart continues to pump. Yet, we have little enthusiasm. At least one thing we positively have—our mind who is eagerly looking to remedy the despondent mood. We also can look to the word discouragement and find courage nestled inside the noun. Courage is of the heart.

We turn to our heart and realize our organ of joy pumping endless life throughout the physical body. Another benefit is listening to the heart wisdom which may reveal a flow of ideas and revelations we can begin acting on from our courageous spirit. We honor any discouragement and make use of the optimistic activity of our heart center of wisdom.

Discouragement comes as a new chance to move with fresh ideas and replenished strength. It might return time and again. The thing is not to fight it. However we can decide to garnish the most from low spirits and open to what the gloomy mood is reporting.

Listening to our varied energies and inner emotional climate can set our desire and creativity in high gear. We apply its inspiration and we are off to express more of our inherent treasured greatness. Likewise, we respect our lower moods and uncover her remedy waiting to be discovered as we open and receive.

I decree the value in whatever color my inner state of being reveals. Wisdom and innovation are robust and responsive in me. I allow these qualities to guide the way through any shadows, clouds or blue moods. As a consequence, I find new graces and originality therein. And so it is.

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