“Do not hold a grudge against those who have done you wrong” –Pema Chodron. If we keep holding onto grudges what do we gain or lose? We may readily admit not letting go of a grudge chips away at happiness and joy. Feeling carefree and burden-free are priceless states of being.

Certainly, grudges do not support inner peace and a happy-go-lucky attitude. We may ask ourselves, what does? Let’s look at a one, two, three method of being free of grudges.

In the first place think of what is really bugging you? Are you bringing other wrongs you have felt from others into the present along with the current dissatisfaction? If so, it’s like a double-whammy and adding to the current negative resentment. 

Holding onto a grudge is a drain and also is depleting our stamina. Therefore we want to get at what is going on inside our feeling nature, besides looking at what memories of past hurts from others the present grudge may have triggered or partnered up with. In addition ask, ‘what am I saying to myself (inner self-talk) about the grudge at hand?’

Secondly, when you become satisfied with understanding and processing your feelings and recognizing the inner chatter surrounding the present grievance, the third step is appropriate.

At this point, ask yourself if you are ready to be free of the drain of ill-will? Prayer is helpful and talking whatever is on your heart over with God prayerfully. The higher self is your constant companion and help in any dilemma or at times of questioning your inner concerns or motives.

Importantly, when we are willing to be free of the limiting patterns that bind us, the ever-present Divine Spirit is always ready. In addition, we ourselves have an innate desire to be free and release the grudges that erode our state of wholeness and well-being.

The third step may also call for repeated clearing and cleansing our minds and feelings of past or current resentments. We cleanse through spiritual means and by forgiving ourselves and being kind to ourselves as we heal and learn to let go.

As we call on our divine forces and strength within and in the outer we feel relief; we are comforted. Outer things would include spiritual reading, going on a quiet walk, getting a massage or doing something that brings fun into our lives. We will receive plenty of guidance when we align with God within as a loving presence and guiding light.

Being compassionate with ourselves and offering grace to another who may have disrupted our calm demeanor bring peace and contentment to our heart and mind. If necessary we can always repeat any portion of the one, two, three steps. In fact, we have our own wisdom to bolster and add to the process of moving into peace and love. 

Furthermore, hearing or reading a positive message is a plus to clearing our being of past wrongs. Writing, journaling, creating, dancing, or exercising and listening to soothing music are attitude boosters too. 

In prayer we reaffirm: I am a beautiful being in God’s sight. The divine energy and power reside within me and are close at hand. I have the inner ability, initiative and creative healing ideas rising from within me which bring freedom from limitation and consciousness drains. I am free and unlimited now in my Oneness with Divinity indwelling and everywhere present, Amen. Thank you beloved God.

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