“Modern Lent.” We may not go in the desert for forty days or on an extended spiritual retreat. Still, we can honor Lent by fasting on what has gotten in the way of our aliveness. And, we can feast on spiritual practices and fast from facts that depress. We can fast from complaining and feast on being grateful.

Further, as we begin our day upon waking and before we step forth from our night sleep, prayer and aligning with our higher nature sets the tone for the day, brings us guidance as well as a good feeling of being in the flow of divine energy and fresh awareness. We then go forward with confidence and greater trust from within ourselves. Hence, we face life from a higher perspective and lighter attitude.  

Likewise, the modernized version of a personal Lenten program would be tailor made for you. There is a Unity Lenten Booklet entitled: Fasting and Feasting, Lent 2019.” You may call Unity Customer Care Department and request a free copy to be sent to your address. Customer Care phone number: 1-800-669-0282.

Companion Lenten Message for 2019: “Rise Up.” “To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy is to set your own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Excellent words by Emerson with timely meaning for the Lenten Season. These are transformative ideas when lived by. A help is to join with God nature before starting our day or anytime.

We set our intent and purpose in prayer with a spirit guided resoluteness. If we miss the mark, we lovingly begin again quickly and flow, filled with renewed commitment.

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