“He (and she) who wear smiles instead of worry are always the strongest.” —Japanese Proverb. Worry is an alarm going off in our mind or perhaps our heart. It comes to advise us something needs centering and lifting. A smile on our face is strengthening. We feel more confident, positive about ourselves.

Worry is an alert we are to bless by engaging with our inner wisdom and strengthening power. Looking into worry we choose to address the healing quality within the worrisome thought, idea or perhaps image.

As we smile we remember our strength of being. We remind ourselves of the good opportunities in every moment and with each thought of affirmation and visual of great things and experiences unfolding.

If our worry is related to time. We can begin blessing every second and remind ourselves of the now, which is a treasured eternal moment.

Spiritually minded, we affirm each moment as precious and containing eternity and divine orderly goodness. We declare well-being and divine timing. The presence of synchronicity fills each thought we think and literally is where we are and goes before us, making the way smooth and agreeable to all.

Worry fades in the presence of our smile and with our thought power and image of blessed action: Graces are unfolding in the place where we are, in the energy of life creating the way for us, encircling and filling every circumstance, person and encounter we meet.

We feel the success of God birthing in us every single moment of our lives. For this and so much more we are abundantly grateful. All is harmonious and in radiant unfoldment.

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