Maya Angelou said: “My greatest hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and to try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.”

Life has it’s ugly down-hill times, coasting and joyous up time. In it all we can steer our course by acknowledging the power and potential to make intentions. We can decide on the side of good and bolster our faith in God the Good active in us, in everyone and mighty in our life as a force of greatness unfolding. The greatness unfolds through you and I and our neighbors.

I have a dear friend who lost their dog of many years. And yet, the dog owner took outstanding care of the dog who was abused by someone unknown at one point in his life. My friend gets acclamations and high marks on caring and being a caregiver for many months nearing the end of the beloved doggies life. Any sadness was overcome by the friend’s unconditional love and remarkable care of the doggie.

I believe dogs, cats and pets somehow go on and on. They perhaps go up the ladder of higher incarnations earned from what they have expressed and lived in this life. This particular dog when new owner and doggie met, had an instant rapport. The dog was a loyal companion and provided the highest love showered upon the new owner, my friend. 

In addition, the dog was company and gave the new owner a much needed purpose and reason to love and even live. They helped each other. And were a support to one another. They became companions committed to one another. It was beauty in motion.

Even though just a dog; this dog saved my friend by caring and being an outstanding presence of love and devotion. He, the dog, earned the highest grades. I’m sure he will be blessed in whatever great good unfolds in the unseen divine ongoing and forward movement of life after life even for our pets.

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