Every day and in each moment the resurrection power and principle lives in you.  When something awakens anew in us and we move with the power of ‘I can and am doing this,’ we resurrect from a moment ago and are new, centered in our transformative power of spiritual dynamism indwelling.

Rest assured we have the shining energy already present to overcome. We have a resurrection power residing inside us and available for us to engage in at any time. What helps us wake up to our inner potentiality is 1) spiritual thinking and prayer.

2) Quiet times opening to feel the sense and actuality of a peace that is ever with us, an aliveness which transcends darkness, and acting from divine ideas such as love-kindness, equanimity, forgiveness, generosity and joy; 3) Having the support and companionship of spiritual minded people. 

It is encouraging to be around individuals who live above gossip, condemnation, resentment and the spectrum of negative energy. (none of us are perfect. Each one of us is still growing into the radiant beings we have the inherent qualities to be.) 

It is helpful to be around people who care about and are seeking to live from the best within them each day. It is also uplifting to read the overcoming experiences people have had and how they transformed their lives or certain challenging situations they triumphed in.

The human and spiritual capacity are limitless. May we not underestimate our inner strength, grace and resurrecting ability meant not only for the end of our lives — the resurrection power is also available now and meant to be awakened, known and used in walking day by day dauntless and one with the endurance of the rebirthing and unification of the spirit of God within us.

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