Packing until there is nothing more that will fit; Loading and preparing the car; maps, trip tiks and travel guides, ready for enjoying travel. 

Road trips bring us close to the earth and reveal novel scenes, sun rises and sun sets. People look and talk common to their surroundings. All in all road travel and stops along the way bring new sights, adventures and people not known before. 

Road trips bring us face to face with our travel buddies and ourselves. It is up to us whether we make the trip happy or unhappy depending on our own feelings, thoughts and words. No doubt, it is a more pleasurable trip when one packs in their mind and heart forbearance and love-kindness. 

It’s fascinating, also stimulating and at times disappointing the different tasting water in the various locations across these United States. Likewise, the favorite dishes offered in each town, city and state bring surprises to the taste buds and an element of anticipation and curiosity to the trip.

Hunger may come over travelers at anytime during periods of road excursions. Also having to use the rest rooms can occur while the miles fly by with no relief for miles. Sometimes thirst creeps in and our inner voice or a loud outer voice from the driver may be heard saying — “Don’t drink too much liquid, we’ll have to stop more often. Those road trip drivers know how to go on and on; it seems forever before the next stop, finally offering time to stretch and refresh. 

Let’s make a promise, a commitment next time we are off on a road trip, however the length, to take plenty of happiness in our heart, much inquisitiveness in the mind and great joy in our face and body for the anticipated thrill of going to new places while enjoying serendipitous experiences. Most importantly we let ourselves feel deep in our feeling nature — ‘Wherever I am, God is and all is well.” Grace and ease are my constant companions and experience, Amen.

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