The eleventh month of 2016 literally begins its parade of special and event-packed days with All-Saints Day on November 1. Right off, November invites our mind to think upon heavenly things and saintly attributes.

November came from the Latin word Novem meaning nine. Then the fourth and last month to contain 30 days evolved into the eleventh month of November, when January and February were added to the Roman calendar as noted by

The Thanksgiving Month of November 2016 continues with her plentiful stand-out days with Daylight Saving Time ending on Sunday, Nov. 6 – local time at 2:00 am. We move the clock back one hour to 1:00 am Standard Time. Spring forward, fall backward. However backward, we gain an hour’s sleep but lose the extended evening light. We can look at the time change as a period of new beginnings.   

It will finally be Election Day November 8. There has not been anything normal about the 2016 election cycle. Let’s pray by the end of November 8 and early morning of November 9 we have a clear winner so as to spare the voting public, concerned citizens and the viewing World of the election cycle dragging on past Nov. 8.

The federal holiday, Veteran’s Day is November 11. A day set aside to honor our US armed forces men and women who have served or are serving. Also, on the 17th of our second to last month of the year is the ‘Great American Smokeout Day’ initiated by the American Cancer Society. The significant day urges the more than 40 million Americans to quit lighting up.

What’s more, the day has special importance to me since my husband stopped smoking because of the enthusiastic and encouraging events his company invited smokers to attend in conjunction with …’Smokeout Day.’ My husband started again about six months later. Then stopped and started once again. Each time he quit his body became more prepared for the day David put down his cigarettes for good.

The delicious thing about November is the recognition that it is Sweet Potato Awareness Month harmonious with the yummy Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 24th. As cooks know well, there are many ways to serve up sweet potatoes. However Thanksgiving dinner would be amiss without the bright and palate satisfying dish of sweet potatoes if they were absent from the ingratiating Turkey Day table.

We finish up November with Black Friday on the 25th and the Advent season beginning on the 27th running through to Christmas Eve, Dec. 24.

There is yet another unique and highlighted event in Noviembre, Spanish word for the eleventh month, the full Beaver Moon on November 14. It is an especially bright and full moon since it is a “Perigee Moon.” Meaning the point in the moon’s orbit is closest to the earth according to It will be the largest and brightest moon since January 26, 1948. Suppose to appear 14% larger. The moon will not be this close to planet earth until November 25, 2034. Enjoy the full November moon and give thanks ahead of time for clear night full-moon skies.

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