What is important to you? It is said by many writers, motivational speakers and professionals, ‘do what you love to do.’ Yet there are some things in life we have to learn to love or find the love and worth in it.

Steve Jobs wrote: “…It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” If that is true and we believe it is a top valued element in our life, then when we combine it with doing what we love, we have a good formula to live by–respect time and have the time of our lives.  

To do what we love sometimes takes stepping out of time to discover what our heart and intuition are relating or showing us what’s next. We step out of time when we become mindful of the now and notice the present. When we pray and experience the stillness of prayer, time is not a consideration or measure. When we do those things we love and get absorbed in what we are creating, being and doing, there is no time only sheer pleasure. 

Therefore treasuring our time and loving how we fill our lives are partners of happiness and bliss. 

What are your favored things to do? What are some new ones you want to take on? Ask another question too — What helps you continue to be filled with aliveness and freshness in living life? 

Here are some tips to be alive with life and keep loving and appreciating yourself as you do. If a negative thought about yourself comes across your mind, change it. Tell the truth about yourself. Relate some special qualities and characteristics about you that make you beloved. Some of us are great care-givers, others have giving natures and warm smiles that easily are given to others. We have gifts. Remind yourself of your endearing ones!

Remember what’s important in life. For instance, being creative, learning, connecting with others, eating clean and healthy foods, exercising and so on…. Do what’s paramount to you. It might not be significant to your neighbor, so what. If some things are important to you, how wonderful. Those things make you the special person of the universe that you are. 

Steve Jobs had a motto he lived by and readily inspired others with: “Stay Hungry.” “Stay Foolish.” Many people thought Jesus was nuts, out of his mind. He seemed to be the type of person who hungered for a better world for people. Certainly, for his era, he had foolish ideas to the leaders—political and religious. One was, treat women with respect and equally with men. Gandhi had what was thought of as a foolish idea—to give his countrymen and women independence from British-rule. He hungered for this.

In living the cherished moments of our lives we can keep before us a question — do we love what we are doing? And are we keeping before us some great ideas and possibilities to live by and bless other people with by our undaunted, high-minded thoughts and ideas? All the while, we can feel blessed by given time enough to love and be grateful for having the time of our lives.

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