I declare this as a turn-around-day. Scan your attitude and feelings. Choose one area acting as a drain to you. Not only in the physical domain, mentally, creatively and to your spirit also. In doing this, we can take into our heart and apply in consciousness the assertion: “I choose to believe that it is easy to change a thought or a pattern.” –Charles Fillmore.

Whether it is a recent or past draining experience, event or upset, we can feel our mighty power and stand tall in the center of any stormy or intrusive thoughts, stories and memories. We have the abilities readily inside us to erase and rewrite then remember the good in place of any sadness, hurt, disappointment, loss or regret. Yet the memory seems all-powerful; the feelings seem anchored in the mental and emotional expression.

When we tune into and turn on the inner light in darkness the drain is instantly transformed and light shines and gives new insight, a renewed energy of lifting ideas and good thoughts, bringing ease, love and transcendence, new pictures in the mind. The emotions catch the easiness and positivity.

New inspiration comes along with the aliveness of remembering the wholesome and healing power of a new inflow of life propelling us forward one with grace and well being for self—extending equanimity and high regard to all.

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