“Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” — Hebrews 11:3 KJV.

This day invites us to anoint ourselves in the Divine Ideas as they come alive so dearly throughout these daily moments — the Divine Ideas of Faith, Love, Peace and Joy. These qualities can be reborn in us sparkling new. We take our lead from the light of wisdom Jesus expressed and lived as he walked the earth as a spiritual healer, mystic and great Awakened Soul over two thousand years ago.

As we revisit and reawaken anew to the treasured quality of Faith inside, what comes to mind? Perhaps we may recall our child-like faith we easily portrayed and demonstrated as a young tyke. Perhaps some of the innocence and ease of youthful faith continues to reveal itself in us from time to time. I

The quality of ‘a trusting faith’ is worth valuing as an adult since our early faith rises easily in us without thought, intellectual question or reason. Faith is an inner and innate understanding and available ability we have not only for Sundays or when we are in a holy building; we have faith for all-time.

Faith is a daily present we give ourselves and convey to others. People want us to have faith in them. When we do we help people wake up more fully to their inherent goodness, talents, skills and divine potential. Similarly, by stirring up faith in ourselves we are supporting our greatness and opening the way for our ‘imprisoned splendor’ to manifest.

Hence, especially today, we realize where we are in the moment with the spirit-filled idea of Faith. Who in our life needs the blessing of faith? What people challenge us? Could having increased faith in those individuals who stir us bolster our attitude and enable us to see their indwelling goodness and inner holy light — undaunted by their past or present behavior, attitudes or actions?

I first acknowledge I have plenty of Faith inside as a divine power, God given. I have a strengthened faith to shine upon anything, anyone, including myself and especially my loved ones, friends and those who are in my life frequently or seldom. Also, the dear ones who may cause a ruckus in me, I specifically go deeper within for the greater aspects of Faith, Love, Peace and Joy as available spiritual qualities inside me desirous of expression.

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