May this day find you in green: Abundant green lights during your travels, plentiful greenbacks coming into your hands–may some of them be 100 dollar greenbacks. Green is the color for healing too. May you thrill with healing today in the fanciful atmosphere of joy and good-will. While, you remember today and in your tomorrows, joy and good will are perennial and in everyday. 

May you feel the love and kindness within yourself, in nature, the air and in every person when you look with spiritual eyes into the light of Truth and goodness within them. May each person who thinks of you have love for you in their hearts, well-wishes, too. May each person in your presence be loving and kind in your space. May all who you work with see the value and worth of your gracious spirit. You are love; you live in love; and love comes to you in a circular manifestation of continuous well being and beloved-ness, Amen. In thankfulness it is so.

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