Debt Free Living

     There was an energized desire to live within our means, not spending more than our income and to pay for things in full. The vision of the overflowing cup, to have enough money, to pay all the household bills and living expenses with money left over for savings, giving, and vacations. There was an inner yearning to be free from money concerns. I did not feel in control of our joint finances nor my personal finances.

At this point, I read Charles Fillmore and decided to practice debt free living in mind and manifestation. A particular phrase found in Prosperity authored by Charles Fillmore, Unity Movement Cofounder, served to liberate my consciousness and then my life, “…in Spirit and in Truth there is no debt,” such simple, profound words (Fillmore 1936, 120).[1] Since God is Spirit and Truth, I shortened the phrase to “…there is no debt” in God (Fillmore 1936, 120).[2]

Then I chose to fully believe these words and apply them to the finances and my life. The incentives were there. We were in debt. My spouse, the primary one who had to face and pay all those bills each month, felt the weight of the money owed. His state of being—stressed out to the point of exasperation. Indebtedness was becoming detrimental to his health and our relationship.

I began to practice debt free living and living in the divine current of God. I did the necessary things that promoted and reduced the household debt, encouraging my husband to entertain the idea of zero debt, which included the home and car paid off. It was a stretch in thinking and acting. However, living in harmony with divine principles and prosperity practices, debt free living is essential.

On a personal note–as soon as I began praying, affirming truth, and practicing debt free living I felt liberated even though we were in the beginning stages of living without debt.

Prayerfully, I entertained these truths: God is absolute good; I am a child, an expression of the divine. Therefore, absolute good can be experienced and expressed by and through me. If I am a divine creative expression and there is no debt in God, then I certainly can live debt free. This is in sync with a Unity basic principle—that which God is, we are. The all-ness of God indwells us. We are divine manifestations. Genesis 1:26, RSV, announced, humankind is made in God’s “image” and “likeness.” We are of God.

I identified with the divine truth and affirmed freedom from indebtedness, faithfully. I practiced and soaked in the words of Charles Fillmore’s “A Prosperity Treatment,” Twenty-Third Psalm-revised, found on page 69 of Prosperity (Fillmore, 1936, 69).[3] The prosperity treatment became a part of my daily prayer time.

Accepting God’s will of good for my life, I applied the divine prosperous Truth. These ideas became a regular mode of living for me: The practice of good stewardship and respect for the money that came into and flowed out from my hands, purse and household; I included my spouse and any debtors in the prosperity prayers of truth; I knew greater prosperity was in store for my loved ones and me, for those people who provided our goods and services, and for all.

Concurrently, the practice of systematic tithing became an experience of gratitude and deeper commitment of Oneness with God and one another. I practiced debt free living and experienced freedom from debt. It took about ten years and our household became totally debt free in April of 2001.

At this point, August 2015, David and I continue practicing prosperity principles and prayerfully use Truth affirmations. We remain debt free.

Debt-Free Living is Prosperous Living

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