“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.” –Proverbs 3:5

O   Wisdom, intuition, and divine guidance are permanent qualities of our nature as spiritual beings. If we have decisions to make and want further direction into a matter know the light showing the way is readily available and prominent within you and at hand. When seeking divine guidance we can have the questions and clarity we seek clearly on our mind and in our heart. Then affirm divine light is present and revealing itself  in an understandable manner now. Divine good cannot be withheld from us.

We are filled with wisdom and divine direction is revealed now. Confidently, go about your way filling and freeing your mind with complete trust and faith that the answer is at hand and available to you here and now. Be playful, let your mind be carefree–take a walk, go to a movie, follow your highest light.

You are wise with the exceptional wisdom and discernment of your higher nature, thank you God, Amen.  Further ideas during a period of renewal or Lent are given below.      

The Lenten Season or any time of renewal can be an exhilarating opportunity to clean our mental, physical, and emotional nature for the purpose of clearing the way for increased light and healing.

As revealed in the Gospels, our way shower, Jesus Christ continued to develop and evolve spiritually during his entire life on earth. Each one of us the world over does also. It may not be evident judging by appearances. However we each have a Divine Spirit in us that cannot be destroyed or ignored. It is all wise and knows how to awaken each one of us.  

Humans can forget they are Divine. In time we come to realize what Jesus said: “the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these…” (John 14:12). For clarification, the meaning of (in me) — to believe in Jesus’ teachings and truths.  

So Lent or renewal are appointed times to wake up, open wide and let the divine spirit of you shine even brighter. This may require inner reflection, clearing and releasing to make room, creating a receptive state for your vibrant spirit to express, create, love and be ingenious through you. 

Here are additional ideas that help clear, release, and prepare for the greater self to expand from within: 

o    Become a stillness observer. Appreciate quiet moments. If you listen in the quiet it will gift you with insight and potentially a revelation.

o    Be observant of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Practice self-awareness. It’s as easy as realizing when you are in the parent, child (sulking, playful or creative) or adult state of being. You may also recognize a belief you hold and wonder why you still believe that way. Replace the warn-out ideology with a better fit for you as a spiritual being. Reminder–the spiritual life and journey is one of letting go so the inner ‘splendour may escape.’  

o    Suggested readings, Paracelsus by Robert Browning and John 14, NRSV.

I join you during the Lenten or renewal time of clearing, readying, and preparing the way for the greater and wonder-full Self.  

Lenten/Renewal Declaration–“I prepare for a deeper understanding of God.”

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