There is a quote by Clarence Day stating — “Information’s pretty thin stuff unless mixed with experience.” I had a discussion the other day over who would fill a certain position or who would become eligible for a distinguished position, the one with lots of informed learning or the one with on the job experience? It is a frequent scenario in life.

Yet, both seem valuable. Then again, it depends on the job or position and skills required, maturity level and other important qualities about a person seeking employment or a certain position or status.

What’s more, on occasion an experienced person will be blocked from a job because of age. They may be in perfect health and look younger than their years. Someone else seeking the same position may be well educated and young. This individual may receive the position over the experienced one.

Why not give both a chance. The more mature person can mentor the younger candidate. I believe there is value in experience. The more experience we can receive at any age the better. With each job, assignment, project, and accomplishment we learn so much. We carry this learning forward into our next experience and work encounter. 

If you have experience and learning; wow, you have much to offer the world around you. Write a book, design an action plan, and or volunteer to help a younger less experienced person by tutoring or mentoring them. 

Again both situations are valuable to the world — experience and information. It’s in applying the information that counts. How and the way we give what we know through our service, work or position. Likewise, experience is priceless, a worthy gift of knowledge and know-how to pass along to others. Experienced people serve others and fill significant niches as they share their experiences and provide information, passing along to others helpful pointers and principles of success well learned and applied.

After all, isn’t there a mix of both: Do not we learn while we gain experience and acquire experience as we are learning?

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