Books go into great length in explaining our belief system and Faith capacity. The New Testament talks of both as very significant to becoming enlightened, free and as Maslow stated, Self-Actualized. My intention in this writing is to relax and talk straight and simple about these two wonderful qualities of being–within everyone.

Beliefs — at birth our soul probably contains some. Even though, we have a clean slate and begin anew in forming and developing our convictions, tenets, mind sets, loyalties to some ideas, precepts and views. We have influencers to help or hinder us in some cases.

Not to be concerned–we have astonishing capacity to observe our beliefs playing out and to modify, drop and change our beliefs. We have the power and mental and emotional equipment to be aware of and shape our beliefs to harmonize with the hum of the Divine Nature in us.  

For, we have amazing inner gifts and the power to reform and revise any belief. Keep in mind too, some beliefs arise from an all-knowing wisdom inside us. They come effortless and contribute to a healthy minded belief system. This may be from past lives spiritual work or the current gifts of this lifetime because of influences of spiritually minded people. Also our own study and openness to receptivity to what beliefs are in line with our true and untainted spiritual wisdom within.

What is exciting is each of us has access to the Divine flow everywhere present and of all time. That meaning we can receive ideas from Universal Intelligence and be lit with an intuitive message uplifting us in a twinkling of an eye. It can be as easy as a neighbor in deep, holy prayer and we pick up on the energy and it adds to our own. 

Thus, we are each amazing beings. We can change a limited belief, redesigning it to align with joy and grace. We can raise our viewpoint and feel compassion and enthusiasm that moves us to rewarding success and accomplishment.

In the succeeding Truth Message titled “Personal Beliefs” it is explained further how we notice and change beliefs.

During our lifetime, we are forming and revising our belief system. Likewise, over the duration of our lives we develop and deepen in our religious and spiritual, beliefs and tenets. We are forever in a flow of evolutionary growth and inner development. Yet, we can live peaceful and patient with the process of learning and enriching inside and out.

Onto Faith — I hold the belief of Faith as a divine power within us. Our journey is waking up to the tremendous energy and shaping power of our faith capacity and gift in us.

Faith is a power and potential to draw from the unformed invisible substance into the world of form. We manifest according to our faith and belief. When we combine imaging and visualization with faith and knowing we demonstrate and are blessed with the unfoldment of the highest and the best. We want to hitch our faith to the highest and most harmonious in our life and living to unfold.

This might seem like a contradiction. However, the less outlining and the more we give into the higher wisdom with faith we know the best and most blessed outcome will and is taking place in our lives. For instance, when I stopped outlining the certain color of car I wanted and let the highest wisdom within and everywhere bring me the most suited car for me, with ease the perfect car landed in my lap. Oh, we can prefer a certain color and be flexible if a different color car well suited for us manifests.     

Also when we have tapped into the vibration of faith within and receive a glimpse of its light, we move forward and become lighter and give of a Divine Light.

Faith is a point of power in us. It is our capacity to trust, believe in, to have inner confidence and conviction. Our personal credo and ideology comes from inner faith taking on shape and soundness within us. Faith is a strong place within from which our dreams, ideas and sense of purpose unfold.

Bless your Faith capacity; it is a Divine gift, God given. In prayer and contemplative moments we may realize an inner light within our body. It is the energy and aliveness of the spiritual Source of power to believe, have faith, uplift, accomplish and give beyond our humanness.

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