We each hold personal beliefs, according to what influences we have had. Our beliefs are formed and may be unformed, shed or revised as we mature and grow in awareness and understanding. In addition some of our held beliefs deepen. For instance, our faith in a higher power may become stronger. Our belief in eternal life may feel more certain.

When I began seminary one of my professors assigned each of his students to write down our beliefs and hand them in. His intent was to keep them in a safe place and return them to the student a few months before graduation, about three to five years later. The teacher’s desire was for each of us to notice how knowledge, experience and contemplation on things and principles of a spiritual nature would shape, change or confirm our individual beliefs. 

When Martin Luther King gave his heart-felt speech in August of 1963, he trusted his audience to listen and be motivated by his genuine trust in the capacity of humankind along with the inner human need and desire to live free and reach their full potential. 

He held a deep belief in God and in the inherent call of freedom in every soul. Get to know your beliefs not only the ones you may have formed in Sunday School, from the pastor or authority figures. What beliefs do you hold to be true? Some of you may remember how I came to realize the need to change my belief about punishment. That is, if I err I most likely will be punished or have to pay the consequences of my actions. The latter rings true because of the law of cause and effect also known as the boomerang effect. 

However, the moment I opened to the light of greater knowledge of Universal Principles known as Divine Practices, verities and beliefs, I began to change the belief in punishment. There is still an accountability and consequences to our actions. Yet there is also forgiveness and unconditional love. The moment we turn to Divine Light, the Christ or God Light we are forgiven.

The teachings of the spiritual giants and masters of the ages speak of liberation through grace and repentance (or changing our ways). They talk of and demonstrate freedom in Self forgiveness and in releasing another from the grips of bondage, hatred, condemnation and non-forgiveness.

Give yourself the opportunity of writing out your beliefs. We may want to sit in quietness before we do. When we let the beliefs we hold flow onto a sheet of paper or on a blank sheet in our PC or tablet, we are writing the ideas we have formed and the beliefs we hold. We always have the God given and human right to examine and change our beliefs no matter how long-held they may be. My belief in punishment was due to be changed. You may hold some convictions begging to be more harmonious to what you believe today.

Importantly, when I changed my belief in punishment to the idea I am immediately forgiven and released of its effects, I became free. Moreover, I changed the belief of punishment to love, knowing I had the Divine right to learn from the experience and change my ways and live from grace, a healthier mind and heart set.  

Without a doubt, we are not required to write out beliefs in order to change them. Experience is a teacher and life out-pictures, sometimes all too vividly, our beliefs. You can notice a long-held mindset and decide to change the belief more aligned to who you are today.  

Another long held belief of some may be the idea of poverty being Godly. It is true poverty may be simpler and less cumbersome than having lots of money and possessions. Being poor however is no virtue; it can be very painful and cause great distress. I am only scaling the surface of the ideas of poverty and riches and the benefits and challenges of both. Will take up in another writing.  

When we open to wisdom and divine power in any circumstance we find ourselves whether poor, unhealthy, rich, healthy, middle of the road, challenged or living peace-filled, we are or continue to be emancipated by the knowledge and insight we receive. When we act on the light and new understanding realized, we experience freedom. 

Search your heart and mind and get to know the beliefs you hold. Look for how your beliefs are out-picturing in your life. Above all, know you already have the power within you to redo, change and upgrade any belief to better match what you hold as true today, independent of childhood beliefs or influences of others. In other words, what do I sincerely believe now? Likewise, notice how some of your beliefs have expanded and empower you.  Let me know if you have further questions or need support.  

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