Fear can rise and fall in our consciousness, stay with us, go quickly or cause great healing when faced, learning from and overcome. We know fear is an emotion, an indication of a real threat or imagined vision, image, thought or sensations which can be warning signals from within. The German etymology of fear at Etymonline.com interprets fear as a trial, an attempt (to try, risk) or experience. 

There can be many situations or circumstances causing fear to arise from within us. There is a Texas law effective January 1st, 2016 legalizing ‘open carry’ pertaining to guns. This or something similar could cause not so calm feelings to surface. Whatever the fear real, suggested or pictured, we have the stuff within ourselves to be the master over trepidations, scary mental images and anxious or “distressing” (dictionary.com) emotions and thoughts. Words such as courage, security, calm and fearlessness (Google.com) also describe what we can realize in the place of fear.

A Myrtle Fillmore quote offers another point of view on the subject of our mental state: “Every home takes on the quality of the prevailing thought held in it.” She points us in the direction of the  contents of our minds. If fear arises from thoughts, ideas held in mind, feelings, mental images, or suggested scenarios, it is within our power to change, to stop and say no to inner mental contents and outer suggestions causing fearful responses from inside. 

Knowing we have the innate strength and dominion over our thoughts and even those inside feelings serve us well in transforming fearfulness into calmness and courageousness. Believe me, we have it within us to move from fear to unruffled feelings. 

For instance, nighttime noises can become magnified and bring on fearfulness. One evening when my husband was out of town and I was alone at home, noises were heard I never experienced before. I perceived some threat could be lurking beyond my bedroom door. As I lay in bed, anger rose from within.  “What am I doing, imagining something or someone in my home as an unknown threat.” I used the emotional energy to rise from the bed and say enough with this. I began cleaning the bathroom, the tub and the commode. Interestingly, now I felt powerful, as if I could overcome any perceived or real threat. I also felt secure and energized inside and out. I opened the bedroom door and walked throughout the house and no one or no thing was there. 

We have no doubt heard many times to face our fears. It is a true statement albeit frustrating at times. We also know in acknowledging and accepting our inner emotions instead of suppressing or rejecting them, the feelings become teachers, revealing insights and greater understanding of ourselves. Feelings are our ally’s, our window into glimpses of inner self-knowledge. Our feelings that arise present us with the opportunity to change our thought and stir up a beneficial feeling in place of the challenging one. Thus we gain insight into ourselves by investigating our feelings and asking–“where did this come from; what is the cause?”

Affirmative thoughts–I have Divine Power as a real and present help, guide and great strength within me. I have the ability to see fear as a catalyst for knowing myself more deeply or alerting me to something I may need to know about or discover anew. I have Divine Power to move beyond mental and emotional side-steps, negativity and blocks. I ask my inner wisdom nature to give me the light of transformation and the insight of new ideas and actions, inspiring calmness and peace throughout the body, emotions, mind and actions. I encourage inner bravery and audacity in myself and others. Through the presence and power of an inner capability, I face life with new-found curiosity and enthusiasm.

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