“I always begin my prayer in silence, for it is in the silence of the Heart that God speaks. God is the friend of silence–we need to listen to God because it’s not what we say but what he says to us and through us that matters.” —Mother Teresa.

I join the silence of communing above and beyond the normal thinking. I rest the mind, physical body and emotions. I ‘Stand Still and Know’ I am in the midst of divine Being……………………

“If the only prayer (I say is) thank you, that would be enough.” —Meister Eckhart.

Thank you God for my existence. That I know I am holy made. And I am realizing the wholeness of being in an ever expanded way. I am thankful for the uplifting principle of life awake and dynamic inside me and manifesting outside of me. It is not me; it is the ‘I Am’ of me that knows.

“The fact that we experience anxiety and annoyance is the certain sign that, in the unconscious, there is an emotional program for happiness that has just been frustrated.”   —Thomas Keating.

I move beyond any mind negativity, moving beyond and letting go. As a rocket ship rises above the earth’s atmosphere and takes in the awesome visual of planet earth in all it’s luminous glory.

So I rise above all that weighs me down. I let it go and soar in consciousness, allowing the essence of truth and the light of divine desire move me into clear knowing and oneness with all that God is.

“It was common practice in early Friends meetings, as with some Friends today, to wait in silence until moved by the Spirit.”  —George Fox

I let silence take over in prayer and inside of me. I let silence take an important role in my life, in and out of prayer. In daily life, I pause and am willing to drink of Spirit within. I allow for guidance to refresh and revitalize my relationships with all others. 

In the now moment I respect the wisdom and healing power of the silence. As I move into daily life, it is a graceful transition of active understanding God and I are One and I am one with all life expressions, humankind, the animal and plant kingdom, the natural world and beyond.

I am receptive in the still places within my being. All of myself is receptive and hears the Divine Message ever playing and vibrating through my whole being.

I am one with the saints, the sages, master teachers, and the divine light everywhere present. My gratitude rests upon the blessings upon blessings being poured upon, through, and from each one of us. I am richly thankful, Amen

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