January Light:  January is known as Janus’s month. Janus is a Roman god representing entranceways and ‘gates.’ Also Janus is defined by two faces looking in opposite directions–the past and the future. Our past has brought us solidly into this moment. We have the choice to be forward lookers and journey into the adventure awaiting us. Indeed we do.

Certainly, we take with us those qualities having readied us for the walk into our tomorrows. The January momentum is with us–we have the conviction and spirit of renewal propelling us onward. In any venture we pack the best and remember our greatest assets, which are to both enjoy and see the value in the present experience and to give from our inner wealth of divinity. 

In Prayer–I am a progressive sojourner, undaunted. My spirit soars with the energy of life willing to be and express in the companionship of God as me, stepping forward in Divine Light, Amen.

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