Laughter releases energy in our body. Laughing changes our mood upward. Bob Newhart stated: “Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.” 

Sometimes we feel stuck in emotions, in a thinking pattern, or in a situation. Laughter can shift our attitude with an episode of hilarity. I know a person who gets their news from comedians. It works best when hearing the news enveloped in humor. 

We begin by laughing for no specific reason except to feel refreshed. We can watch comedies or read jokes. Also, making up our minds to see things from a lighter perspective helps. It is good medicine to laugh at ourselves. People in general are humorous, including us. Laugh about it. Be on the look-out for laughable things–they are there. Encouraging ourselves to laugh and look for the lighter side of things will benefit our mood, health, happiness, purses and wallets.  

Question: What do you get when you combine a Christmas Tree with an iPad? Answer: A pineapple.

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