Sitting or lying in a comfortable position, I relax

I welcome relaxation by affirming, God and I are one, I am one with the divine heart of peace and comfort…

I begin to visualize a pure light above my head, surrounding my body and flowing through the body temple from the crown of the head spreading through-in and throughout this body relaxing more and more.

Allowing for deeper relaxation I breathe and let go; breathe and let go, relax and let be……………

The white angelic light soothes my entire physical being, particularly any areas needing healing.

I relax my head, and let a sense of ease come over my face. I allow relaxation……

Peace fills my neck area, teeth, mouth, throat and back of the neck.

The hands and arms greet relaxation and receive the penetrating light and soothing stillness.

I pause and fill with divine stillness

The shoulders welcome the serene light-filled waves of relaxation.   The inner body around the shoulder and back relax in the Divine light and welcoming peace being absorbed through the muscle structure and bones,

leaving no inner part untouched and serenely blessed.

I breathe and relax entirely. The stomach area quiets in the noiseless peaceful thoughts and feelings of comfort and freedom in the ease of relaxation now…………………

My entire torso relaxes as I think upon love and divine care.

The spirit of light enters the lower back,  relax,  relax,  relax

The reproductive areas are relaxing deeply in the peace and comfort now

The upper legs flowing to the lower legs and down into the feet and toes relax fully and rest in the glowing and restorative loving light.

The light remains present inside and out of the physical holy abode of the body temple.

I am immersed in light underneath the soles of my feet.

And I feel the gentle presence of an animated light of life which is ever above, beside, before, around and before me.

All is well; every part of me is relaxed and alive with perfect life-filled peace, thank you beloved God.

I take a few minutes to return to my surroundings, giving thanks for a time of relaxation and restoration. I slowly and with ease stretch without strain and move as guided, entering the day with more aliveness than before, and so it is……

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