I take a few deeper and slower breaths, relaxing with each exhale. If I am holding any tension in my body I repeat the words, let go and relax, let go and relax, I let go and release, allowing the body to drape like a towel molding to the chair.

I am deliberately relaxed and comfortable sitting, giving thanks for the moment and the blessings already in this day.

In my mind’s eye I picture a beautiful clear and welcoming lake. Sun beams penetrate the water and dance with the gentle ripples on the water. A fish jumps with delight. A bird glides over the water then lands for a quick bath in the lake.

Day dreamy, I bathe in consciousness thinking of God’s supportive love. In this moment there is only divine Presence.  I feel the soothing effect of the water and notice how everything surrounding and inhabiting the lake hums in gratitude for the serenity and the opulence of the lake.

I stare into the lake as far as my eyes can see. The water holds me in its peaceful embrace.

The image of the lake begins to diminish and I gently stretch my body and return to where I am thankful for the vision and the peace.

I commit to memory the feeling of abundance and provision easily at hand. How nature does not toil or stress about needs being met. Daily manna is provided. There is a calmness within, a connection felt, and a realization that all is well here and now.

I am grateful for the divine center within and manifesting through and around me. Wherever I am God is and all is truly well, Amen

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