I open in prayer heart-centered and receptive to the Spirit of God, indwelling and closer than my very breath. I call forth from within the truth at hand, God is love and love is present, circulating through me as an inner comforter and Divine healing power. Whatever it is I need healed or whatever I need known or given, I am receiving now.

Centered in faith, I know that which I seek is already within me and immediate. So my prayer is a thank-you decree.

Thank you dear holy spirit for supplying my daily good, for renewing my energy and spirit, and for inner light that shows me consistently and constantly the way to go. An inner Divine light, lights my words, fills my mind with prosperous ideas, and reveals an inner courage and know-how to get things done.

I am so grateful for an expanded awareness of my true nature, I am Divine, beloved and extra-ordinary. Even now in prayer I am being blessed beyond measure. When I come from prayer–I continue living in a Divine blessing forever with me and supporting me. Thank you Divine Spirit, we are eternally one, Amen

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