We have inside ourselves  a seemingly magical quality to shift our countenance and uplift our outlook—laughter. We can even lift up the mood in a room from so, so to joyous vitality.

A door-to-door salesman recently visited our home. I observed him from inside my home as he sold my husband on a bottle of concentrated multi-purpose cleaner. He greeted my husband with a smile. It’s as if the salesman had another goal, to get my husband laughing and smiling. Artfully the salesman accomplished both the sale and the ability to include my husband in his happy and jubilant circle of joyous salesmanship. It was humorous to me too until I heard the price of the cleaner.

Laughter is contagious and healthy for us. Joy is an inner attribute of our divine Spirit. When we laugh and are expressing joy in some way, the makeup of our body chemistry changes to a more wholesome and life-giving environment conducive to health and well-being. It is normal to heal simply by expressing joy in its many facets of expressiveness through us.

Join me in raising our physical elevation, mental outlook, and ability to attract good things into our life by being joyful in the innumerable ways to partake in the activity of now moments of rejoicing.

Moreover, one thing I appreciate about cats and especially dogs is how happy they are when we come home. They usually start dancing and display joy on their faces and in their mannerisms. It produces happiness. 

Furthermore, we can stir up joy inside ourselves by thinking of a humorous moment, by just beginning to laugh for the good of it, by hearing someone else laugh, catching the wave of joy and by reading jokes or watching something or someone being comedic.

Next, be spontaneous and get playful, act like a kid for some moments, begin dancing or waving your hands in the air. By acting silly we feel lightness inside and out.

As an extra bonus of delightfulness, joy brings us into the now and present state of awareness. This quality of joyfulness alone is liberating.

As a reminder of the importance and prevalence of joy, I have a painting of a joyous Jesus on my studyroom wall. He is laughing in an expression of happiness. Try laughter in your life; make it a habit. It pays rich dividends inwardly and in outer ways. It’s a great pain and stress reliever too!

Our relationships with self and others improve by being joyful and extending joy to others. Now is an opportunity to begin and increase in joyous filled moments throughout our day and lifetime. It is like a precious and blissful ointment we spread over ourselves, throughout our life and all of life. Have a happiness day filled with abundant, spontaneous now moments of episodes of joy and laughter. 

A laughter website: http://www.laughfactory.com/jokes/latest-jokes

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