Bring the Divine into any Relationship–

“It is right and necessary that we should be individuals. The Divine Spirit never made any two things alike–No two rosebushes, two snowflakes, two grains of sand, Or two persons. We are all just a little unique for each wears A different face; but behind each is One Presence–God.” –Ernest Holmes.

     Any relationship is enhanced and better when we as individuals grow in Selfhood and Divine love.  On my first visit to a New Thought Church, which happened to be at the time a Religious Science Church, I was awakened to the idea that I was love, loved, and beloved of God. It felt so good. And I left the theatre where the Sunday service was held feeling good inside and looking at others as though each were special, beloved of God and expressions of pure love.

On that day, a divine Truth had touched me deeply. I nurtured it within myself; and continue to. As I have practiced and known the spiritual truth for others–that each of us is made in the image and after the likeness of love, that Divine love is our nature–I have regularly met with good will from others.

If there is any discord or tension with another or a group of people, begin turning within and know there is a precious, pure, and sure loving presence in your heart–God’s love. Ask for this spiritual love to be known more truly in you and in your life. Even sit in prayer asking to feel God’s perfect love for you. As you grow in knowing Divine love, you will have the love of God within you available to see in others. You become more loving in the special way God intended you to express Divine love to others.

Hold lightly in your heart and mind throughout the day–I am open to be renewed in the love of God.  I am beloved of God; you are beloved of God; and the quality of divine love within me knows how to show this love to others, come through my work and in my life in a myriad of ways.

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